
The venue that will host the upcoming Geomorphometry 2021 Scientific Sessions is the Rectorate of the University of Perugia: Palazzo Murena - Piazza dell'Università 1, 06123 Perugia. The conference hall will be "Room 8" which is located under the Palazzo. The conference hall can be reached from the main entrance (photo below) walking through the whole corridor and taking an exit on the other side of the building. Room 8 will be on your left, down the stairs, outside of the main building.


Palazzo Murena venue conference hall
Palazzo Murena, Piazza dell'Università  Conference Hall - Room 8


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Map of the conference venue area. Red: conference hall (room 8); green: cloister for poster session; blue: University gardens; white: cafeteria for cofee breaks/lunches; yellow: student accomodation; cyan: computer lab at Department of Physics (workshops venue); pink path: from Piazza dell'Università to city center (see map below).


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Map of the shortest walking path (click for link to Google Maps) from old downtown main street (Corso Vannucci) and the entrance of University Rectorate, Palazzo Murena (Piazza Università).